If you are already in Israel, for 5 days or 5 years, feel overwhelmed by the logistics and bureaucracy of Israel or have a problem that you just don't know how to solve, we are here to help.
Here are some examples of situations Soft Landing has helped our clients deal with:
”The ATM ate all of my credit cards, they’re french - it will take me 3 weeks to get new ones and I have no access to my money what do I do???”
“I moved here 5 years ago and think I didn’t get all of my benefits, what do I do? Can I get it back retroactively?”
”The bank has decided out of nowhere that I’m not paying taxes in both countries (I have been for years!) and froze my accounts, what do I do??”
”I feel like I’m being overcharged for everything, all my bills, the prices just don’t make sense.”
”How do I do private blood tests that my US doctor ordered? How do I fill a prescription from oversees? ASAP!”
“My car was towed! I don’t understand why or how to get it back!”
”They told me it would take 10 months to get a physical therapy appointment, but I’m in pain now, what do I do?”
”I’m supposed to draft soon, I don’t understand anything about the process! What is a Tsav Rishon? How do I get a good job? What is a good job?”